Linkage Purple Motor Plan:
The Linkage Purple Motor Plan is a bespoke comprehensive Motor Insurance cover for the very special gender! It is an enhanced motor insurance known Plan which is to provide value added insurance solutions to individuals, corporate organizations with special focus on women. It is the ultimate comprehensive motor insurance cover that makes life easy for its policy holder(s).
Accidental damage – Up to the sum insured
Fire & Theft – Up to the sum insured
Third party property damage liability limit N5,000,000.00
Third Party Injury/Death: Unlimited.
Insured medical expenses up to a limit of N100,000.00 per person (Max. N200,000.00 per incident)
Free towing of vehicles N50,000.00 (intra-state), N70,000.00 (inter-state).
48-hour motor claims settlement in the event of an accident after receipt of signed DV
Premium refund – Insured gets 10% of the premium paid over 3 years if he/she has not had any claims during that period (We proposed 25%. Or has it been amended?)
Free Strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC)
Free tracking device for vehicles from N3m and above.
Event Insurance Plan
We provide liability insurance cover for small and medium organisations against general business risks.
Shop Insurance Cover
We provide liability insurance cover for small shop and store owners against general business risks.
Citadel Shield
We provide liability insurance cover for small and medium organisations against general business risks.
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